どうもMENS NOW編集部です。
サロン名 | 口コミ平均点 | 口コミ件数 |
hair place Fleur【ヘア プレイス フルール】 | 4.83点 | 570件 |
hair’s Mahalo. | 4.95点 | 88件 |
ACCA | 4.77点 | 81件 |
b by boss | 4.85点 | 34件 |
hair place Fleur【ヘア プレイス フルール】
引用:hair place Fleur【ヘア プレイス フルール】
和泉府中でスパイラルパーマが人気な美容室1つ目は、「hair place Fleur【ヘア プレイス フルール】」さん!
引用:hair place Fleur【ヘア プレイス フルール】
サロン名 | hair place Fleur【ヘア プレイス フルール】 |
口コミ件数 | 570件(4.83点) |
参考メニュー | 【人気No.1*オリジナル似合わせ】カット+ダメージレスケアカラー+ムコタTR 予約する |
サロン住所 | 大阪府和泉市桑原町282-1 マルベリーパレス103 |
hair’s Mahalo.
和泉府中でスパイラルパーマが人気な美容室2つ目は、「hair’s Mahalo.」さん!
★髪質改善で潤いヘアに♪★ブルーを軸に発色の良いカラー アディクシー、エドルカラー取り扱い☆ご予約とりにくい際はお電話にてお問合せ下さい☆★コロナ対策の為現在≪セット面6を4面にして営業中≫ スタッフのマスク着用・三密防止☆ケア商品を数多く取り揃え☆フルフラット式のゆったりしたシャンプーにこだわり◎
サロン名 | hair’s Mahalo. |
口コミ件数 | 88件(4.95点) |
参考メニュー | デザインカット+マリンカラー+トリートメント¥9500 予約する |
サロン住所 | 大阪府和泉市府中町1-24-6 西辻マンション104 |
今回 オプションでいろいろ追加した効果が出てパサパサ感がなくしっとりつやつや仕上がりで満足してます今回新しいパーマ液使用していただいたので 苦手なにおいが以前に比べてだいぶましですまた来月よろしくおねがいします
サロン名 | ACCA |
口コミ件数 | 81件(4.77点) |
参考メニュー | 《人気No.1》☆平日限定☆似合わせカット+透明感カラー 予約する |
サロン住所 | 大阪府泉大津市東豊中町1-8-1 |
b by boss
引用:b by boss
和泉府中でスパイラルパーマが人気な美容室4つ目は、「b by boss」さん!
“おとなび“大人を美しく シニア割を始めました お財布に優しく、ずっと綺麗に白髪ぼかしカラーや髪質改善トリートメント 最新のヘアケア 話題の美容グッズを数多く取り揃えています♪
引用:b by boss
サロン名 | b by boss |
口コミ件数 | 34件(4.85点) |
参考メニュー | 数あるクーポンに迷ったらこちら 予約する |
サロン住所 | 大阪府和泉市肥子町2-5-54 |
以上、MENS NOW編集部でした!
Great piece! Anyone with even a passing interest in the subject should read your in-depth analysis and explanations. Your inclusion of examples and practical ideas is really appreciated. We appreciate you being so kind with your time and expertise.
What an excellent post! Reading it was really educational for me. You provided extremely well-organized material, and your explanations were both clear and brief. Your time and energy spent on this article’s research and writing are much appreciated. Anyone interested in this topic would surely benefit from this resource.
It was a pleasure reading this interesting and thorough article. Even while discussing more advanced subjects, your writing style remains plain and simple. This is a great post that I will be using again and again because of how much I learnt from it. You are doing an excellent job.
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Excellent piece! Your thorough summary is much appreciated. I now see the issue from a different angle thanks to your insightful comments. You made your points quite clearly with the examples you included. You have my gratitude for penning this.
This is an excellent piece! Your detailed analysis and engaging writing style make it a pleasure to read. I appreciate the practical examples you included, as they really helped to illustrate your points. Thank you for providing such valuable information.
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What a superb work! Both the analysis and the presentation of the facts are quite impressive. It’s obvious that you’re very knowledgeable about the topic. This is a post that I will return to at a later date. Your expertise is much appreciated.
This article was extremely informative and well-written! Your in-depth analysis and clear explanations made it easy to understand even the more complex aspects of the topic. I particularly enjoyed the practical examples you provided. Thank you for sharing your expertise.
This article is fantastic! Your thorough research and detailed explanations make it a must-read for anyone interested in the topic. I appreciate the effort you put into providing such practical and useful information. Keep up the great work!
The article is both interesting and well-written. You make the concepts easy to understand and use by providing clear explanations and practical examples. Thank you for taking the time to provide such detailed information. Your knowledge and insight are much appreciated.
I found this post to be very informative and well-organized. Your detailed analysis and clear explanations make it a pleasure to read. The practical examples you included were particularly helpful. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us.
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What a superb work! It is a delight to read your insightful analysis presented in an interesting way. Your use of concrete instances to back up your claims is really appreciated. I appreciate you taking the time to share this helpful information.
The article is both interesting and well-written. You make the concepts easy to understand and use by providing clear explanations and practical examples. Thank you for taking the time to provide such detailed information. Your knowledge and insight are much appreciated.
Excellent piece! Your thorough summary is much appreciated. I now see the issue from a different angle thanks to your insightful comments. You made your points quite clearly with the examples you included. You have my gratitude for penning this.
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What a superb piece of writing! Both the thoroughness and lucidity of your analysis are much appreciated. Your data was both practical and pertinent. This is a post that I will return to at a later date. Your knowledge and insight are much appreciated.
This piece is top-notch! It is essential reading for anybody with an interest in the subject because of your extensive study and clear explanations. Thank you for taking the time to provide such helpful and practical advice. You are doing an excellent job.
This was exactly what I needed—thank you!
Reading your essay was a true pleasure for me. You were quite successful in elucidating the subject, and your writing is both interesting and easy to understand. The principles were much easier to grasp after reading the examples you provided. Your expertise is much appreciated.
I love how you broke this down into easy-to-digest pieces.
This was a really engaging read—thanks for sharing!
I appreciate you taking the time to write and share this insightful piece. It was clear and concise, and I found the data to be really useful. Your time and energy spent on this article’s research and writing are much appreciated. Anyone interested in this topic would surely benefit from this resource.
I appreciate the thorough explanation.
This post really stood out to me, excellent work.
This article is a great resource—well done!
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This is such a detailed and helpful post—great job!
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You always provide great content, keep it up!
This is exactly the information I was looking for.
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